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Specialist Resourced Provision
Speech & Language

Who we are

Dolphin Class, our Specialist Resource Provision (SRP), comprises of two classrooms located within each Key Stage zone for children with Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN).

All children have an Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP) identifying Developmental Language Disorder and/or Phonological (speech sound) Disorder. Children who require an SLCN SRP place will be those who need intensive Speech and Language Therapy, and joint planning and delivery of support with some lessons taught by an SLT and a Specialist Teacher.  SLCN should be the priority area of need. The Local Education Authority SEN Panel allocates places for children to attend our SRP.


Common difficulties are:

- difficulties processing and understanding spoken language.

- difficulties remembering and recalling vocabulary.

- difficulties organising their own spoken sentences.

- difficulties with speech sounds.

- difficulties with social communication.

While many pupils will be working at a level lower than their peers, this is usually a result of their language needs. They should have the potential to access a mainstream curriculum with the appropriate level of differentiation, language support and specialist teaching.

Our Day

The children in our specialist resource provision travel from a variety of locations across South Kent.

We are staffed by a team of 2 Specialist SLCN Teachers (with post graduate certificates in SLCN), a Specialist HLTA, 4 Specialist TAs and 3 Speech and Language Therapists.

All children are part of a mainstream class and there is an expectation that they access all of the usual school activities and routines.


Children arriving by taxi are met by SRP staff while those living locally come into school alongside their mainstream peers to register and get ready for morning lessons.

In the mornings, KS1 and KS2 Literacy and Maths sessions are taught discretely within the SRP for most children. SRP pupils  access 1:1, group or collaborative therapy as appropriate. Some lessons are team taught jointly by the Specialist Teacher and the Speech Therapist.

Children access playtime, lunchtime and assembly with mainstream peers and with support from SRP staff.

KS1 and KS2 cross-curricular lessons are usually accessed in mainstream by most children in the afternoons with support from SRP and mainstream staff.


Year R children access small group SLCN support in the SRP in the afternoons.


We aim to offer a fully inclusive learning experience, following the National Curriculum at a level appropriate to the child. There are many ways we involve parents in their learning journey including opportunities for face to face communications, an interactive app (Classdojo), termly ECHP target reviews, annual reviews and informal telephone calls.

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Entry and Admissions Criteria

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Our SRBP Leaflet

Developmental Language Disorder

These excellent resources from the RADLD give clear overviews of the difficulties our children face and ideas for supporting their needs.

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Click on each icon for links to useful advice leaflets for supporting different aspects of DLD:
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Unclear Speech

Interventions we use

Language for Thinking
Lego Therapy
Blank levels of questioning
Precision Teaching
Language Through Colour
Shape Coding
Cued Articulation
Visual Support
Social Stories
Toe By Toe
Sensory Circuits
Dance Mat Typing
Clicker 8
Fizzy Fingers & Clever Hands
Mrs Rebecca Prout
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Hythe Bay Church of England Primary School &

Children's Centre 

Cinque Ports Avenue



CT21 6HS

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01303 267802


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