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Governors at Hythe Bay

All of you will know that Hythe Bay Church of England Primary School has a Governing Body. This group of individuals is made up in the main of four different types of governor: those elected by parents; those elected by staff; nominees of the Local Authority and Foundation Governors who are nominated by the Church of England


The Governing Body has certain responsibilities e.g. setting the school’s aims and objectives; setting policies; reviewing progress. Governors are NOT responsible for the day to day management of the school which is the responsibility of the Headteacher, although in extreme situations parents may bring issues to them if resolution cannot be achieved.

Following the resignation of Professor Berkeley Hill as Chair of Governors, I have recently had the privilege to be elected into the role and would like to briefly introduce myself.

My name is Mary Tyler and I am one of the Foundation Governors at the school. I have been a governor at Hythe Bay for four years.

I am now retired. My home has been in Hythe for many years and I worked as a teacher, originally in Ashford and then at Brockhill Park and finally at Folkestone School for Girls.

I very much hope that we will be able to increase the contact of governors with parents. We are present at Parents’ evenings where we would love to hear your views on how the school is performing and progressing. This is the main way in which we can learn what you think. You can always write to us via the Clerk to the Governors (Sam Brown) at the school. I look forward to meeting many of you over the coming months. I am often in school; if you see me around please come and introduce yourself.


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Mrs Rebecca Prout

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